

Astrophotonics (AP)
Hi-5: a potential high-contrast thermal
Hi-5: a potential high-contrast thermal near-infrared imager for the VLTI
D. Defrere, O. Absil, J.-P. Berger, T. Boulet, W.C. Danchi, S. Ertel, A. Gallenne, F. Henault, P. Hinz, E. Huby, M. Ireland, S. Kraus, L. Labadie, J.-B. Le Bouquin, G. Martin, A. Matter, A. Merand, B. Mennesson, S. Minardi, J. Monnier, B. Norris, G. Orban de Xivry, E. Pedretti, J. U. Pott, M. Reggiani, E. Serabyn, J. Surdej, K. R. W. Tristram, and J. Woillez
Proc. SPIE 10701, Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VI, 107010U
Conference Proceedings
