

Hybrid Nanostructures (HNS)
Decomposition of propionyl chloride triggered by
Decomposition of propionyl chloride triggered by slow electrons
I. Bald, E. Illenberger, O. Ingolfsson
Low energy electron attachment to propionyl chloride is studied by means of a crossed beam experiment. Two distinct resonances are observed located near 0 and 0.7 eV. The first resonance is attributed to a temporary occupation of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) with predominant πCO∗ character. It mainly decays into Cl−, but also the fragments (M–CH2)−, COCl− and (M–Cl)− are observed. In addition the non-decomposed parent molecular anion M− is observed. The second resonance exclusively leads to Cl− formation. It is characterized as temporary occupation of a repulsive σC–Cl∗MO.
Journal Article
